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老美的評論: Tariffs are also another form of taxation. Taxation on the American consumer.  Tariffs are a very regressive tax known as a consumption tax.   China has such an advantage in that every other country in the world buys their stuff, not just the USA.  It is also interesting that it was our American based multinationals that gave China all their power.  It was our American companies and the rich Americans that own them that moved the jobs there to screw American workers for higher profits.  Like all the stuff Trump and his family business have made over there
  • 小龙鱼: [ 138楼 游客 (107.184.x.x) ] 发表于 2018-4-7 15:19 特朗普在为美国政府挣钱,加征税收百姓意见太大,用关税掩护,实质是加税,中国背锅。 (4-7 02:43)
2018-4-7 00:52 回复|


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