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  • 新鲜人: 有个让人不太开心的消息,并未正式签约:22-Jun-2017 07:19:15Attributable to a Tesla spokesperson:“Tesla is working with the Shanghai Municipal Government to explore the possibility of establishing a manufacturing facility in the region to serve the Chinese market. As we’ve said before, we expect to more clearly define our plans for production in China by the end of the year. Tesla is deeply committed to the Chinese market, and we continue to evaluate potential manufacturing sites around the globe to serve the local markets. While we expect most of our production to remain in the US, we do need to establish local factories to ensure affordability for the markets they serve.” (8-27 13:55)
  • 新鲜人: 这是特斯拉方面官方的回应。国内的上海临港,上海电气等也发布了辟谣。当然了,所有没有谈妥条件的交易,最后都会辟谣。到底发生了什么,只有风暴中心的少数人知道。也许是特斯拉和上海方面还在博弈,也许是第三方势力强势干扰——比如川普方面不希望制造业的明日之星跑路中国,比如中国本土汽车力量们紧急游说。(这两天国内的本土汽车公司,尤其是创业公司,心情应该是很不平静的。还有人对媒体发牢骚,抱怨ZF怎么这么快放特斯拉入关)这都有可能。从上面的英文说明来看,特斯拉还是对中国市场相当渴望的。正如下文中说到的:中国可以不要特斯拉,但特斯拉离不开中国市场。但是我认为中国汽车市场,有特斯拉这样的伙伴进来一起玩,对双方都更有利。希望特斯拉“念念不忘,必有回响”。 (8-27 14:00)
  • 新鲜人: 从While we expect most of our production to remain in the US, we do need to establish local factories to ensure affordability for the markets they serve.” 来看,特别强调了大部分生产品留在美国,可能美国不愿意他在中国建厂的可能性更大。 (8-27 14:11)
2018-8-25 17:39 回复|


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