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Xi Jinping arrived Thursday in North Korea’s capital and was greeted with a 21-gun salute at the airport, the release of thousands of balloons and crowds lining the streets, as his car wound its way to the mausoleum where the North’s founder lies.
  • 大千世界: 川普访英国, 为了安全原因. 缺少了检阅三军仪仗队及骑马环绕白金汉宫,  却有上百万人上街游行示威. 非常遗憾! (6-21 15:16)
  • 华盛顿人: 「能站的地方都站滿人」習近平首次訪北韓無止盡人龍夾道歡迎 (6-26 17:49)
2019-6-20 08:59 回复|


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