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分享 SQL Performance (2), Optimized SELECT Query (B)
翰山 2021-5-15 21:32
SQL Performance (2), Optimized SELECT Query (B)
This series of articles will discuss SQL server performance. In the title, I use SQL Perfromance because thearticles could include SQL statement (Query) optimization and also include SQL Server performance issues, and probably include stored procedure performance issue. SQL Perform ...
个人分类: Tech|2367 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack
翰山 2021-4-11 17:38
WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack
In this series of articles, we will discuss the major features of WCF: WCF (1), Basics WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack --- this article A: Introduction Bindings and binding elements are the connection ...
个人分类: Tech|1021 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types
翰山 2021-4-11 17:31
In this series of articles, we will discuss the major features of WCF: WCF (1), Basics WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types --- this article WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack ABC of an EndPoint in WCF: from Contracts are i ...
个人分类: Tech|6090 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 WCF (1), Basics
翰山 2021-4-11 17:22
In this series of articles, we will discuss the major features of WCF: WCF (1), Basics --- this article WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack Introduction We will discuss WCF major features in the following orde ...
个人分类: Tech|8083 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Exception Handling (4), In ASP.NET Core Web API
翰山 2021-3-29 16:04
Exception Handling (4), In ASP.NET Core Web API Exception handling is required in any application. It is a very interesing issue where different apps have their own various way(s) to handle that. I plan to write a series of articles to discuss this issue for ASP.NET MVC ( 1 ), ...
个人分类: Tech|10238 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tech Articles in C-sharpcorner
翰山 2021-3-28 11:05
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure Dec 09, 2020 ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure Implementat Dec 03, 2020 Consume Web API By MVC In .NET Core (1), Server And Framework ...
个人分类: Tech|7253 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (2), Client
翰山 2020-12-17 23:31
Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (2), Client
Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (2), Client This article will give a way with one line code to consume Web API by a ASP.NET MVC Client in .NET Core. Introduction In the previous article ( part I of this article), we created a ASP.NET Core MVC app a ...
个人分类: Tech|2319 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (1), Server And Framework
翰山 2020-12-15 09:01
Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (1), Server And Framework
Consume Web API By MVC Client In .NET Core (1), Server And Framework This article will give a way with one line code to consume Web API by a ASP.NET MVC Client in .NET Core. Introduction Microservice is a modern software development architecture: loose-coupled ...
个人分类: Tech|8032 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure, Part II
翰山 2020-12-9 12:40
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure, Part II
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure Part II --- Implementation This article will continue from part I ( ASP.NET Core, Web API: Entity Framewor call Stored Procedure ) and give developers a practical way to build Web API with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework to ...
个人分类: Tech|5492 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure, Part I
翰山 2020-12-9 12:25
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure, Part I
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure Part I Introduction This article will give developers a practical way to build a Web API with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework to call Stored procedure. This way will be the simplest and most practical for ...
个人分类: Tech|1992 次阅读|0 个评论

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