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热度 1已有 506 次阅读2015-6-2 19:25 |系统分类:法律园地| 通知, 造谣 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图

普法: 马力事件虚拟步骤-1,通知媒体停止造谣

写 政论的马力新近来到汉山网站,和网友互动不多。由于婉儿的一句调侃“把我卖给你,行吗?”,误以为女方是容易说话之人。不成想,马力调侃WE一句“压寨夫 人”,即被婉儿的帮手light指控成“侮辱妇女”,随后又被天空网的炎黄指控成“调戏妇女”,同时有不少熟悉婉儿,light,和炎黄的网民符合着指控 马力。“侮辱妇女”,“调戏妇女”属于下结论的事实陈诉句子,如果马力认为于事实不付,这就有诽谤嫌疑。要想阻止诽谤,第一步是通知网站和个人,指出那些 文字于事实不付,停止造谣,删除不实文字,澄清事实。通知媒体和个人启动诽谤官司的准备工作,这个通知最好用英文写,因为日后直接递上法庭就是证据。虚拟 通知如下:

Dear light:

It is unfortunate that I will have to institute a lawsuit against you with respect to your post on XXXX [the links include the words of insulting to women(侮辱妇女) ] for libel/defamation and hanshan.info as the publisher of the libelous messages.

Specifically, you posted a libelous message on the aforementioned message board. The defamatory post included a false story about me that “insult to a woman [婉儿 (Wan Er)” (侮辱妇女). In fact, I never insulted to Wan Er or any other women. My statement "Ya Zhai Fu Ren [the dame of the land]" (压寨夫人" regarding to Wan Er was only replying Her in the same manner that she talked to me. Wan Er once made a joke and told me "how about to sale myself to you (把我卖给你,行吗?)"  and so that my word "the dame of the land" was also making a joke. There was nothing in my statement involves insulting a woman or dalliance with a woman. 

I request you now to contact with me through my email address: mali88888888@yahoo.com, so we can unveil our IDs, and I can contact with you and start instituting a lawsuit against you.

This is a notice of impending litigation.


Ma Li (马力)

Dear 炎黄:

It is unfortunate that I will have to institute a lawsuit against you with respect to your post on XXXX [the links include the words of dalliance with a woman (调戏妇女)] for libel/defamation and overseasky.com as the publisher of the libelous messages.

Specifically, you posted a libelous message on the aforementioned message board. The defamatory post included a false story about me that “dalliance with a woman [婉儿 (Wan Er)” (调戏妇女). In fact, I never insulted to or made a dalliance with Wan Er or any other women. My statement "Ya Zhai Fu Ren [the dame of the land]" (压寨夫人" regarding to Wan Er was only replying Her in the same manner that she talked to me. Wan Er once made a joke and told me "how about to sale myself to you (把我卖给你,行吗?)"  and so that my word "the dame of the land" was also making a joke. There was nothing in my statement involves insulting a woman or dalliance with a woman. 

I request you now to contact with me through my email address: mali88888888@yahoo.com, so we can unveil our IDs, and I can contact with you and start instituting a lawsuit against you.

This is a notice of impending litigation.


Ma Li (马力)
Dear the Administrator of hanshan.info:

It is unfortunate that I will have to institute a lawsuit against hanshan.info with respect to the post on XXXX [the links include the words of insulting to women(侮辱妇女) ] for libel/defamation and hanshan.info as the publisher of the libelous messages.

Specifically, the posted a libelous message on the aforementioned message board. The defamatory post included a false story about me that “insult to a woman [婉儿 (Wan Er)” (侮辱妇女). In fact, I never insulted to Wan Er or any other women. My statement "Ya Zhai Fu Ren [the dame of the land]" (压寨夫人" regarding to Wan Er was only replying Her in the same manner that she talked to me. Wan Er once made a joke and told me "how about to sale myself to you (把我卖给你,行吗?)"  and so that my word "the dame of the land" was also making a joke. There was nothing in my statement involves insulting a woman or dalliance with a woman. 

I request you now to contact with me through my email address: mali88888888@yahoo.com, so we can unveil our IDs, and I can contact with you and start instituting a lawsuit against hanshan.info.

This is a notice of impending litigation.


Ma Li (马力)

Dear  the Administrator of overseasky.com:

It is unfortunate that I will have to institute a lawsuit against overseasky.com with respect to your post on XXXX [the links include the words of dalliance with a woman (调戏妇女)] for libel/defamation and overseasky.com as the publisher of the libelous messages.

Specifically, you posted a libelous message on the aforementioned message board. The defamatory post included a false story about me that “dalliance with a woman [婉儿 (Wan Er)” (调戏妇女). In fact, I never insulted to or made a dalliance with Wan Er or any other women. My statement "Ya Zhai Fu Ren [the dame of the land]" (压寨夫人" regarding to Wan Er was only replying Her in the same manner that she talked to me. Wan Er once made a joke and told me "how about to sale myself to you (把我卖给你,行吗?)"  and so that my word "the dame of the land" was also making a joke. There was nothing in my statement involves insulting a woman or dalliance with a woman. 

I request you now to contact with me through my email address: mali88888888@yahoo.com, so we can unveil our IDs, and I can contact with you and start instituting a lawsuit against overseasky.com .

This is a notice of impending litigation.


Ma Li (马力)









刚表态过的朋友 (1 人)

发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 夺标 2015-6-3 08:24
回复 法律零碎 2015-6-18 06:35
夺标: 真不错,应该在首页专门设置一个你的“法律零碎”博主栏目,这样大家不用淘帖,点击进去就能看见你的所有这个专题。你自己去跟汗衫儿说吧。   ...
回复 法律零碎 2015-6-18 06:35
夺标: 真不错,应该在首页专门设置一个你的“法律零碎”博主栏目,这样大家不用淘帖,点击进去就能看见你的所有这个专题。你自己去跟汗衫儿说吧。   ...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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