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路透社的新闻说,Mats Ericsson表示,没有进行初步调查,原因是经过评估,警察没错。路透社的记者和某网友转述他同学的话有不小的差异,不知是谁在瞎说 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-sweden/china-urges-sweden-to-heed-concern-over-tourists-ejected-from-hotel-idUSKCN1LX10G
  • sujie_alex: Swedish prosecutor Mats Ericsson told the Aftonbladet daily that no preliminary investigation had been initiated because “we made the assessment that no crime on the part of the police had been committed”. (9-21 16:59)
  • cannaa: 实事求是是一场长期又艰苦的斗争。 (9-21 17:02)
  • sujie_alex: 基于事实的讨论才有意义 (9-21 17:04)
  • tfieage: Citing a police report, the tabloid said two people were lying on a sofa in the hotel lobby and refused to leave the premises at about 1:45 a.m. About 25 minutes later, a police patrol decided to remove them and the two people started screaming, reportedly about "human rights." 曾家有25分钟的时间选择自己离开,但丧失了理智的人只想吃罚酒。中国有句老话还是有用的叫好汉不吃眼前亏 (9-21 17:21)
  • sujie_alex: 我所表达的是,某人说的话不可信 (9-21 17:46)
2018-9-21 16:58 回复|


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