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反亚裔细分,给议员的信 by email

热度 1已有 5963 次阅读2018-2-1 15:38 |系统分类:原创博文| 反亚裔细分 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图

Dear Rep. Name,

I strongly ask you to oppose the bill H.3361 as it already caused overwhelming opponents in local Asian society.


I personally attended the hearing on January 30, 2018 in the Gardner Auditorium (GA). I have three points to oppose it:

First, without providing adequate information to show why other ethnic groups, White, African, Latino, etc. are not qualified for data disaggregation, it will be ridiculous to cost government resource to pay Asian American a special attention. 

Second, it is in violation of US constitutional rights, the Fourteenth Amendment Right, Equal Protection under laws;

Third, it would be impossible to practice this bill due to complication, as my relatives in US involved all kinds of ethnicity, Chinese, Korean, Jewish, Japanese etc, and their kids are mixed. Could they be further disaggregated endlessly?

Finally, I would like to complain the unjust process during the hearing. 

There were more than 500 people in GA for opponents (who wore yellow sticks), and they arrived at about 10am; and only less than 40 people with blue sticks (means supporting), based on my observation.  However, due to Rep. Tacky Chan's somehow arrangement, the first three hours, from 1pm--4pm were mostly for supports' testimony. The statehouse video camera was running until 4pm. This unjust process would give you wrong information that it looked like that the support and opponent were even.

The actual hearing was continued to 9pm, but I had to leave at 6pm due to family issue, without an opportunity to testify although I signed the form. 

Therefore, I strongly ask you to oppose the bill H.3361 as it already caused overwhelming opponents in local Asian society.

Thank you for your time.

Phone No
Gentile, Carmine - Rep. (HOU) Carmine.Gentile@mahouse.gov

date:Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 10:39 AM
subject:RE: Opposition to H.3361 

Dear ----,


I and others in the Legislature take very seriously your concerns about discrimination, racial targeting, and unequal treatment and vehemently oppose efforts by any level of government to use the data they collect to this end. 


As you may know, the first five signatories listed on H3361 comprise the Asian Caucus in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. I have spoken to Rep. Chan and I believe that their intent is to be able to demonstrate the number of Asian Americans in Massachusetts by allowing the data collected by the Commonwealth to more closely resemble the way the federal census breaks down Asian American and Pacific Islander data. This is in service to their continuing effort to benefit that community in the Commonwealth by insuring that state agencies have an accurate account of the issues faced by them.


Best regards,




Carmine Gentile

State Representative

13th Middlesex District

(Framingham, Marlborough, Sudbury, and Wayland)

State House, Rm 167

O: 617-722-2810









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回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-1 16:24
回复 法律零碎 2018-2-1 16:38
小龙鱼: 美人蕉怎么不常来了?

回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-1 17:02
法律零碎: 太忙,家事国事一大堆。

回复 法律零碎 2018-2-2 10:16
小龙鱼: 在手机上开网页呢?能上不?
回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-2 10:24
法律零碎: 手机的短信可以上汗衫,但是微信不行。现在什么事情离的开微信啊
回复 法律零碎 2018-2-2 12:43
小龙鱼: 不矛盾啊。手机上开个网页不难吧?输入汉山的网址就成了呗。
回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-2 12:45
法律零碎: 看来你不用微信不知道怎么回事,你自己试一试就知道了。
回复 法律零碎 2018-2-2 14:20
小龙鱼: 我的手机有微信,但是,不在中国,除了看群里的转贴,啥都没用。
回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-2 14:26
法律零碎: 美国的微信也看不到汗衫,不信你发一个汗衫链接试一试
回复 法律零碎 2018-2-8 14:33
小龙鱼: 那就不要在微信里点击链接。把链接拷贝到网页的地址栏里打开,就行了。
回复 小龙鱼 2018-2-8 14:54

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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